Incline Bench Press


• Lying on an inclined angle of approximately 30 to 45 ° bank. Sepharad legs slightly resting your feet on the ground. Hips, shoulders and head should sit on the bench.

• Grasp a bar with overhand grip. Hands should be more open than the width of your shoulders.

• Go down the bar to the upper chest, take air and hold your breath when you may bring up the weight to the starting point. Dirigid elbows sideways and Keep them well.

• Expel as superéis the hardest part of the climb or extending arms.

• Tarry in the final position with outstretched arms and vertical.

• Take air and hold your breath as bajéis weight under control to the upper chest.

• If you prefer to stay yourselves a moment down, drive out the air after arriving there, then Take him and hold your breath when you may bring up the bar.

• Utilizad a moderate speed, always keeping weight under control.

Training Tips

• No Expel the air in the initial phase of effort. If you do so, the chest has a tendency to fall, weakening the muscles responsible for pushing the bar up.

• Be sure to keep your elbows out in the same plane as your shoulders as you go up the bar above his head. Push your elbows inward modifies the action of the shoulders.

• For a complete development of the triceps and upper chest, elbows fully extended but without hiperextenderlos.

• No utiliceis a very wide grip. If your grip is wider than shoulders, not only the range of motion of the elbow joints and shoulders but also stressed excessively the outside of the upper chest is reduced.
• Be careful not to bounce in the down position. Revertid carefully journey to better develop the muscles and prevent injuries.

• Avoid the use of excessive weights. The correct technique is more important for muscle development that the amount of weight used.

• Do not contraigáis abdominals to stabilize the spine. When you go up the weight, contraed the erector spinae to maintain the normal curve of the spine and stabilize the torso.

• a complete stop in the down position and imposes difficult to exercise the use of extra energy to overcome the inertia of the bar. For efficiency, Customized the direction of travel without stopping.

• Keep a moderate speed in the exercise. Go too slow leads to excessive stress, making it difficult to control the movement and involves more stress on the joints.

• If the bank angle is less than 30 degrees, you will begin to work the middle and lower chest. If superáis 45 degrees, the exercise will work more pushups shoulders.