Leg and buttocks routine to eliminate cellulite

rutina de gluteos y pierna

Thanks to this routine leg and buttocks at home we will achieve eliminate cellulite, gain muscle and give shape our legs and buttocks.

Cellulite is an accumulation of fat, toxins and water that is caused by hormonal imbalances, circulatory problems, poor diet and lack of physical activity.

For that the first advice would watch your diet as we know one of the pillars to see results so we must avoid to the maximum consumption of foods such as fats, sugar, salt and red meat. (Foods to prevent cellulite)

Many of our readers tell us they want to eliminate the annoying cellulite legs and buttocks, as these areas are the most affected. Do not worry ways of cellulite has eliminated what we have done this routine to get quick results.

Before starting this routine you should warm up for 10 minutes this to avoid injury and to perform routine better. To do this we will make a cardio workout as jogging or walking, plus stretching.

As you know every time you make the routine will have to wait at least 48 hours to be able to repeat the routine, this to allow the body to rest. It will have to do for 6 weeks and will especially help tone the buttocks.

The exercises

Squats body weight.   4 Series of 12 to 15 repetitions.    30 seconds Intervals.

Lunge.    4 sets of 12 repetitions.  40 seconds Intervals.

Trunk flexion to the front or good morning.       5 sets of 20 repetitions.           20 seconds Intervals.

Deadlift.   3 Series, 12 reps.   30 seconds Intervals.  

Kick Ass       4 Series, 20 repetitions per leg.       40 seconds Intervals.