Ulisses Jr

Age: 35
Height: 5'10 "- 178 cm
Weight: 210 lbs - 95kg

Transformation story:

As a teenager I was very active playing sports but I never really paid much attention to my diet. I relied on my athleticism to keep lean and ripped me but in comparison to other teenagers in my age group I was always one of the smallest. My lack of size and strength is what made it hard for me to make any of the teams and This was a wake up call for me.

Charity Work

Owens is the co-founder Present and artistic director of the charity, Do not Miss A Beat. DMAB's mission is "... to blend music, art, academic achievement, and civic engagement to inspire and enlighten children and teens in the Riverside and Brooklyn Communities." After graduating from Juilliard in 2006, Owens Traveled the world as a jazz drummer. "I saw so many arts programs for kids, Especially in other cultures, and I thought we really need something like this back home." After hearing about prep Jacksonville's high dropout rate and other problems Struggling With youths, Owens and his family designed a program to help youths stay in school suspended. Also includes workable Programming Developing skills for parents So THAT, AS NOTED Previously, youth Have self-sufficient, caring adult role models are reliable WHO to Provide a safe, healthy environment for Their children.