
While the execution of the Deadlift is one of the simplest of all the exercises movements, the truth is that it is amazing how many people in their early days, take him out, falling into bad undesirable movements and postures.

So today we will give you a small but detailed guide written about how to correctly perform the deadlift.

Technique to deadlift

We started putting us in front of the bar with your legs slightly apart and knees slightly bent. Then, tilt the trunk forward, trying to leave the back straight and taking the brra hands, while the palms pointing towards us. This means that overhand must inspire and straighten the body to stand upright again, and so Exhale at the end of the movement.

Keep in mind that at all times, arms should be relaxed, moving only the body to raise the bar, not the muscles in both arms.

A way to facilitate implementation, it is also possible multipower dead weight. Otherwise, with feet elevated above the floor where the bar for higher intensity is located. Or, separating the legs to perform the deadlift sumo style and working more adductor and quadriceps.

To intensify the work on the hamstrings, we must ensure a minimum bend in the knees, being careful not to arch your back.

Muscles worked with the dead weight

The deadlift is ideal for working muscles that lie on top of the legs, especially the gluteus maximus, hamstring or hamstrings. the spinous muscles also work, and due to stretching of the area above the legs, mobility is favored.

Frequent errors and some tips to do well the dead weight

One of the most common mistakes made when train with dead weight, is arching your back. This risks damage to the lumbar area are increased.

To avoid these problems it is advisable to work with loads that fit your abilities and with them is less likely to bend the column. Flexing your legs properly, it helps lift the weight with the lower body and not your back.

One of the main reasons to learn the technique hundred percent, is so that when loading weight, this load time decreased and thus gradually increase gradually, thus using the leg muscles only, avoiding the effort with the back.

Finally, remember not to use momentum to lift the bar off the ground, and instead, go slowly straightening up with relaxed arms and buttocks and hamstrings doing the hard work.