Chest routine for beginners

The breast is one of the largest muscle groups of the body and one of which beginners seeking to develop faster, which is why we should work correctly for seamless development and improve the profile of our body.

The following chest routine for beginners is based on execution of various exercises for chest and publicize the right way in which they are to perform.

All beginners should ask for help from a trainer at the time of exercise besides not overdo weight, this would only lead to injury and recovery may be slow. The key in these cases is to use light to begin to accustom the body to smash loads.

First before you start doing the exercises will begin with a stretch, this should always be to avoid injury.

Exercise                     Series               Repeats

PushUps                            4                         5

Barbell Bench Press                                  10-12

Incline Bench Press                3                    10-12

Breast openings contractor            3                         15-20