Trunk flexion to the front or good morning

Good Mornings

It is no lie that today's leg muscles are often forgotten, especially by beginners when structuring a workout routine. However, keep in mind that a good leg work not only helps in the aesthetic issue, but also provides the mobility and strengthens bonus that reduces the risk of muscle imbalances in particular situations.

The trunk bends forward (or in position "good morning"), will help solve these problems, since you can include in your routines from the first weeks because it does not require any prior training to carry them out.

Performance technique for trunk flexion forward.

For this exercise you'll need a rod and from there take the starting position.

  • Donning standing with width apart feet shoulder. Take the bar with your hands so that your palms are facing up, and take back of the head, resting it on the trapeze or just below, between the neck and shoulder blades.

  • Inhale and then, bend the trunk forward, so that the body simulate the elegant bows of greeting we all know. The torso should remain horizontally and back completely straight, without forgetting to do a little bending the knees.

  • Exhale and return to starting position in controlled movements.

If you have difficulty performing the exercise, you can try bending the knee a little more for a more comfortable work.

Muscles involved in the exercise

With the trunk bends forward the work of the gluteus maximus muscle and sticklebacks requested, emphasizing the femoral or hamstring stretch and contract during exercise.

It emphasizes that is ideal for the back of the thighs training, allowing proper mobility of the pelvis, hip and legs in general.

Tips to consider and errors more frequently

  • Curving back when flexing the trunk increases the risk of suffering some kind of injury. To avoid this, it is important to keep your head with eyes front and prevent the trunk bends at an angle greater than 90 °.

  • Finally, remember that when trying to load more weight that can be lifted comfortably, stretching is avoided and no sense of contraction of the hamstrings is achieved.